I grew up

I don't know how it got started between me and JN. I just knew, according to HC (who notices everything) that Ben would follow JN like a little puppy dog, and indeed he did. I think JN really enjoyed being in the center of attention.
I grew up
Somehow JN mocked me and looked down on me. She was popular and she was in MSI and she was on the volleyball team.

I play volleyball too! I was on the team back in TW. But I was too shy to show my potential here at the try out.

Anyway, she laughed and snickered at whatever I said. Or if I missed the volleyball, she laughed too. She laughed when I said something to Mark C. I know, what I said was kind of stupid, but she snickered at me. There was something about her that made me feel belittling.

But I was not that obnoxious. I always think good of people... I thought good of ppl back then.. you know, still pretty innocent at the time. I am not anymore of course. I grew up!

Well, one time, on the 5th floor center hall, she and Benny happened to be in front of me, going the same direction through the center door. and it looked like she was holding it for me.. so I rushed a few steps up and reached out with my right hand, as a reception to her 'friendly' outreach.. but boy was I wrong.

allow myself to relax
allow myself to relax(2013-07-24 17:38)

feel guilty either way.
feel guilty either way.(2013-05-30 13:48)

many of the problems
many of the problems(2013-05-30 13:47)

I have completed high school
I have completed high school(2013-03-25 18:14)

Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!(2013-02-28 09:17)

I'm beyond tired
I'm beyond tired(2013-02-19 17:01)



I grew up